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Friday, December 10, 2010

Salute you, Engineer!!!

Mankind progressed from rock-man days to today's ultra-modern days. We could never imagine our lives without a mobile phone. Our forefathers never dreamed of it. Not only mobile, everything which exists today never existed in the past. If I ask you guys to dream about a life without automobiles, air-conditioners, computers, mobiles and internet, all you would see is a nightmare.

Today our lives are very comfortable, but do you know that there is millions of Engineers' sweat behind all our luxuries? Have you ever thanked them for their innovation and industry?

"Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been." - Sir Albert Einstein

I find many engineering grads not finding it anything great in being an engineer, that is not a correct attitude. Once we have decided to pursue engineering, we are ready to join an elite team of professionals striving hard to better the world we live in. We should feel proud, really.

Many say that doctors deserve more respect because they do most of the service to the society and its really great being a doctor. With due respect to doctors, I feel that engineers do better service. Doctors make you live longer, but what life will you lead staying under a rock?

I bet you will feel it better to die than to lead that horrible life. Its lot better to live only a day enjoying all the luxuries and comforts, rather than living for centuries without them. Engineers improved the human might. Our capabilities improved with technologies. Our mobility improved over centuries. Our power erased all boundaries.

Engineers improved our living standards.
Once consider our progress over ages and you will understand that engineer is the catalyst.

Turn your head around.. Look at everything around you.. Guess how it would be, if they never existed.. Now you know what to do, SALUTE THE ENGINEER!!!!


Revanth said...

Good Nikhil....

Here I would like to comment on - 'Doctors make you live longer, but what life will you lead staying under a rock?....'

A doctor can also comment in exact opposite words- 'What luxuries a person can enjoy with his life at stake?? '

We should never compare two professions. Its like deciding which wheel is important for a bullock cart balancing on two wheels.

Any individual who strive to make the world a better place to live in, is a champion.

A true professional is one who respects every other legal profession.

Revanth said...

Well my dear brother...
Keep up the good work but at the same time never forget about your immediate priorities.

Take care.
All the Best.

Prince Nikky said...

Got u bro..

thanx for the comment anyway