Hey folks..
I like to discuss about thought power.
You are the creators of your destiny ----> Swami Vivekananda
Yes he is right. He is seriously right. Tell me one thing. What is your goal?
I want to become a world renown novelist. I want to become a successful software engineer.
Mr. XYZ wants to become a doctor. Mr. ABC wants to become a hero. Ms. DEF wants to become a top model.
You???????????? At max you want to be the president of USA. or you want to become a god.
Well, then be it. Yes you can become God.
You don't believe it. You seriously don't believe it. O.K. I will explain you.
Define god? very complicated question. But let us keep that very simple. God is anyone who can write his destiny and can write the whole world's destiny.
So can you write your own destiny, let alone whole world's ???
The answer is yes.
You can. How?
Someone says determination, hard work, will power etc etc.........
Where does these come from?
The answer is from your thoughts.
Every substance is this world has mass. And any particle having mass exerts gravity force on other particle.
So even a dust particle has mass. Negligible but still it has some. Two dust particles combined? Again negligible but non zero mass.
Three particles combined? Same result.
Three hundred? Almost same.
Three thousand?
Three million?
Three trillion?
Three million trillion???????? Ah we get considerable amount of mass. This mass is strong enough to drag ocean water towards the shore. Each particle has mass and exerts gravity pull. But that's negligible. When the particles added, the force increased and became powerful.
In the same way, your thoughts have effect on physical effect. Every thought effect the physical world. One thought has some mass and creates some effect on physical world. But that's negligible. When similar thoughts add up, it has some considerable effect on the physical world.
And here is the fun part.
You want to become an icon of Hollywood. You want be the next Tom Cruise.
You release a thought I wanna become a hero. Single thought cant do much.
A number of times you dream of it, You think of it. By doing so, you are releasing some thoughts. These thoughts start to add up.
Then, at that moment, you feel, Hey come on you can never be a hero. It is very difficult. Your financial situation doesn't cooperate it. No I can never be a hero.
A negative thought. This one instead of adding up, it reduces the mass of already accumulated thoughts. So as many negative thoughts, the lesser the effect of the accumulated thoughts.
This is the problem with us guys. When we aim at something, we accumulate some positive thoughts regarding it. At that moment, we start thinking negatively and there by reducing the mass of accumulates thoughts.
To achieve big goals, you need powerful thought mass. To get that high thought mass, we need to accumulate positive thoughts. Every single negative thought will reduce the mass of accumulated thoughts.
Hence if we always think positively, we can be whatever we want to be..............